
Leo Welma

Back to the Future.
Light & Shadows of the timeless art of analog photography.

Shooting on film is like stepping into a time machine, transporting you to a world where light and chemistry work their magic to create images that are truly one-of-a-kind. With each click of the shutter, you're capturing a moment in time that can never be replicated exactly the same way again. It's a slow and deliberate process, but the results are worth it. In a world of instant gratification, there's something special about waiting for your film to be developed and seeing your images come to life in a way that no digital sensor can quite replicate. With analog photography, you're not just taking a picture - you're creating a tangible piece of art that will stand the test of time.

Foto vom Insel Foto vom Insel Foto vom Insel Foto vom Insel Foto von Leo

My Photos: Analog B&W

My Photos: Analog Color

About me

Hi there! I'm Leo, and I'm studying to become a psychologist in Graz. When I find the time for my hobbies, I just can't resist analog photography. I know it sounds strange, especially in a world where everyone uses their phones for photos, but I just love the process. It's incredibly mesmerizing. I can spend hours experimenting with my camera and taking pictures of different objects and situations. It really helps me disconnect from the daily routine and enjoy the moment. I can't explain why analog photography specifically brings me so much joy, but honestly, I don't need to. The important thing is that I know it's my hobby, and I'm happy to indulge in it.

We wanna say something...



Hey, Leo! I really admire your hobby of analog photography and how you don't try to embellish life, but rather capture real, living moments... Photoshop definitely has no place here :). Let it be this way. Let's take a look at ourselves without any embellishments, just as we really are, with our strengths and weaknesses...



Leo, how many cameras did you say you have? 30pcs? Or perhaps more? Soon you'll be able to open a museum of analog cameras ;). Keep on delighting us with cool photos. I'm looking forward to seeing new masterpieces.



Ich habe mich auch frühe für Analogfotografie begeistert. Aber das ist schon sehr lange her. Damals hatte ich keine anderen Möglichkeiten zum Fotografieren. Heute gibt es viele verschiedene Optionen, um Fotos zu machen. Aber du hast Recht, Leo, es gibt etwas Besonderes an deinem Hobby. Mach weiterhin Fotos und vergiss nicht, mir welche zu schicken.

Do you want to know more?

Graz, AT


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